One of my most vivid memories as a teenager in my congregation is that only little kids were allowed to have food and drink in the sanctuary. On rare occasions, when I could bring a water bottle into worship, I was calmer. I could concentrate on worshiping God, enjoying the hymns, and following my pastor’s sermons. Many of us take pleasure in the beauty of our church sanctuary and are careful to keep our worship space neat and clean. Bringing food and drink into the worship space can feel almost sacrilegious. The sanctuary is a holy place, but I don’t think it is any more holy than the kitchen, or the youth room or even the boiler. Every space in our churches and in our lives has been claimed and sanctified by God.
This message is an excerpt of “Fed at Worship” by Jenna Pulkowski Huntsberger, from the December 2015 issue of Cafe.
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