For a long time, I ignored my own needs and wants. Once I began exploring them, I discovered what I want most is to claim my own voice, to listen to my gut and to acknowledge my needs with confidence. To do so not only affects me positively, but it inspires those around me to claim their own voices and needs too.
Jesus’ humanity reassures me: his need for prayer and rest, his uncertainty in times of pain, his grief at the death of loved ones, his loneliness in his mission. Yet Jesus’ confidence inspires me.
Jesus had a voice and a perspective that directly opposed the powers of the world, yet he didn’t worry about offending those around him. His confidence not only inspired those around him, but it changed their lives: People were restored to community, given new identities as children of God, stirred to leave everything behind to follow him, and given hope that oppression would no longer rule their lives.
This message is excerpted from “Needs of a compassionate parent” by Jennifer Hackbarth in the September 2015 Café online magazine.
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