Elizabeth of Hungary, well-educated and deeply religious, is celebrated today.
While she was exceptionally devout, she was also strong-willed.
Today, Elizabeth of Hungary is remembered for her charitable works, with dozens of hospitals throughout the world bearing her name. She is also associated with more than 150 miracles. The daughter of a king, she refused to return to her father’s home when her husband died. Instead, she put on rags and dedicated herself to the Franciscan ideal of poverty.
Elizabeth of Hungary put her money where her beliefs were. She was outraged by the huge gap in resources—the hungry, poor, sick people just beyond the castle’s gates. People weren’t being cared for, and she thought that was scandalous. So she helped them.
What we profess as Christians, she did. Her life exemplifies servant leadership.
This message is an excerpt from “Remembering Elizabeth of Hungary” by Karris Golden in the November 2016 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Elizabeth of Hungary, renewer of society, who died in 1231.
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