In grace-full living we are changed by God’s grace, and that same grace enhances our gifts to others.
Read Romans 12:4-8. These verses ask us to thoughtfully consider our place in the church so that we may model the gifts and skills we have been given. Perhaps in your own grace-full living, you have not thought of yourself as “the giver” as described in this scriptural passage. Yet we all show generosity toward others not only in how we use our financial resources, but also in how we spend the resources of our time and energy. Such generosity is truly a wonderful expression of God’s grace.
So how can we all model such generosity for others? It is not only what we give but the emotion behind our giving. Give willingly and with the optimism that your gifts will be used to further God’s work—that is the key to modeling grace-full generosity. Giving in celebration rather than in competition with others leads to the fullest support of important opportunities and ministries, as we are all one in the body of Christ. Our genuine modeling of financial wellness to others comes when we fully embrace “the giver” in ourselves.
This message was adapted from the “Grace-Full Living” resource available from the Women of the ELCA website (