One thing I’ve learned is that when we bury our feelings, we bury them alive. Paradoxically, the more we choose to deal with them, the less we will have to deal with them.
Years ago, I heard a therapist say that we should never wallow in regret, but every once in a while, it’s okay to take off our shoes and swish our toes around in it.
Some people treat the very word regret with fear or disdain. But regret is universal. It is simply a part of the human condition. I wonder if Jesus, our fully human and fully divine savior, experienced a pang of regret when he witnessed Mary’s and Martha’s heartbreak at the death of their brother, Lazarus. Even in the light of certain resurrection, regret is near.
This message is an excerpt from the October 2018 Cafe article “No Regrets” by Angela Khabeb. Today we remember Thomas Aquinas, teacher, who died in 1274.
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