Professional surveys tell us that U.S. worship attendance in mainline denominations is declining at an extraordinary rate. Financial stewardship is not far behind. An unprecedented number of people in our culture do not identify with any expression of organized religion.
In the meantime, we are called to boldly live into Paul’s vision as we gather in our communities of faith (now virtually). For it is, indeed, in gathering at the foot of the cross with our many and diverse gifts that we find our common bond. It is at Christ’s table, where words and bread are brought together, that we are enlivened, and our muscles are flexed for ministry.
In the same way that God enlivened and brought resurrected life to a valley of dry bones, God will breathe life into each of us and the church.
The message is an excerpt from “Be together, not the same: A lesson in creating community” by Twila Schock in the April 2020 issue of Gather magazine.
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