The Bible is full of stories of women and men who took bold risks for the sake of their own sense of vocation and purpose, faith, and community. They come from a place of deep conviction, strength of character and a call to faithfulness to God and God’s people.
The Egyptian king ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all baby boys born to Hebrew women (Exodus 1:18-21). Midwives Shiphrah and Puah were called to bring life. In a time when childbirth was particularly dangerous, they were called to care for both mother and child. Midwifery passed from generation to generation of women who were seen as gifted and called for this role.
The Egyptian king’s command was so abhorrent, so antithetical to their own sense of vocation, that these midwives could not go through with it. At great personal risk, these women did not kill a single son. These two bold women were faithful to their people and their faith and their call as midwives.
This message is excerpted from “Finding your path” by Megan Jane Jones in the June 2013 Cafe online magazine.
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