Did you ever look closely at an elephant? They are gentle giants. Did you ever notice their skin? It is very thick and able to withstand all sorts of punishment from the elements. Their trunks have amazing maneuverability. They can pick up a peanut or carry a tree trunk. I know of no other animal that is more protective of its young. When an elephant trumpets, everyone and everything knows it is there.
We as Women of the ELCA have the opportunity to be Big Bold Elephants! Jesus calls us to step out boldly in our faith. We are an organization that is present in the world. Our skin is such that we can endure and revel in change and challenge, growth and commitment. We have the ability to be flexible in the details. We can nurture the young woman and mentor tomorrow’s leaders. When we gather in community, we have the ability to make a difference in the world.
This message is adapted from “Grace Notes” written by Mary Ellen Kiesner, president of Women of the ELCA (2002-2005), in the June 2005 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.