While the incarnation of God in Jesus was unique, each of us is a kind of incarnation—we are the “word made flesh” for the people around us every day. Often we can be the word without having to say a word. As I was, the day my sister’s husband was killed in a traffic accident. When I arrived at her house, she clung to me. As I began to rise from the couch to give her space, she put a firm hand on my knee and said, “Stay here.”
Recently, Ann spent a few days with a grieving friend and later told me, “You taught me what to do. Just be there.”
I once believed that I’d need to memorize Bible verses in order to spread God’s word and love. I’ve since learned that God had a better plan: sending us not a sermon, but Jesus. Someone to be there.
This message was adapted from “Daily Incarnations” by Mary Mortimore Dossin that appeared in the May 2009 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.
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