Read John 1:1–5
Again, light and dark together. The darkness does not overcome the light (even though it feels that way sometimes). That is good news for us when we are overwrought by fears of all types. Even as we prepare our hearts, even as we tend to the paradox of living in the darkness while anticipating with joy the coming of light, we live with some measure of despair, doubt, pain and fear. We know, too, that for some in our midst, this season isn’t one of joy or anticipation. Poverty, war, violence, chronic pain, illness, broken family relationships, unemployment, loneliness—so many other things subvert the anticipation and joy of this season.
That is when we can carry the light for one another. That is when we become Christ-bearers.
This message is an excerpt of the devotional “What wants to be born in you: Advent is a time of darkness and possibility” by Sonia C. Solomonson in the December 2016 issue of Gather magazine.
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