In the summer months, we often hear parables and stories about farming, gardening and growth read at worship. Timed to be in sync with rhythms of planting and harvesting (in the northern hemisphere), the lectionary invites us to think about our baptized lives bearing fruit as well. Like verdant fields and fruit-laden orchards, we are also called to bring forth produce. Doing so takes good soil, and it takes time.
Yet, what if my life is never calm and always rushed? What if I struggle to “bear fruit with patience”?
Here’s a handy list to remind us how all-encompassing and abundantly gracious God’s saving love is:
When we are…
rushed and stressed
rested and attentive
despairing and depressed
fruitful and healthy
barren and weakness
strong and centered
and everything in between…
we belong to God. We are beloved.
Our place within God’s love is never up for debate. Our capacity to share and live and express that love in daily living is the thing we ponder and discuss. What makes up good soil? What lends warmth and nutrients to us in order that we can be faithful?
This message is excerpted from the Bible study “Tempo Giusto” by Liv Larsen Andrews in the November 2015 Gather magazine.
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