When I get so darn tired that my head and heart and body hurt, I usually get pretty grumbly. I get short-tempered with my spouse, who has also had an equally rough and exhausting day and needs me to be supportive. I get impatient with my friends who want to share their ups and downs with me. And I get crabby with God, too.
Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
This is one of the first pieces of scripture to come to mind when I feel this drained. God is calling us to God’s own self, to help carry the burdens and give rest. God invites us in to have a rest, to be refreshed and renewed. To be cared for, and to have time to care for ourselves.
This message is an excerpt of a September 2018 Cafe article by Jenna Pulkowski, “Those that cry out for rest and relief.”
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