At a youth group meeting, I invited the youth to write down on a note card one negative word or phrase that someone has called them or said about them or that they believe about themselves. Then after reading and discussing Psalm 139, I showed the youth the music video “Remind Me Who I Am” by Jason Gray and told them to listen carefully to the words.
At the end of the song, I told my youth to cross out the word they had written and to write over it: “Beloved.” I said: “Whenever you hear negative messages about you from others (or from within), remind yourselves of who you are and whose you are: fearfully and wonderfully made, beloved children of God, who are beautiful just the way you are, and who are worthy of God’s unconditional love.”
This is a message we all need to hear and remind ourselves. This Lent, let us all make the decision to BE LOVED.
This message is excerpted from “Beloved and wonderfully made” by Emily Heitzman in the March 2020 Cafe online magazine.
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