Throughout the New Testament, the Greek word kairos, meaning “time,” is used 86 times. Each time, it is drawing our attention to the present moment. It is telling us that we need to pay attention to what is happening around and with us.
If those in the Bible did not live in the moment, they could have easily missed blessings coming their way, gifts they never knew they had, places they had never seen. If Jesus wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings, he wouldn’t have felt the woman grabbing his cloak for healing. He wouldn’t have looked into the depths of people’s eyes and seen their hunger or stopped in his tracks to see people who could have easily been missed. Jesus reminds us that we not only have to be mindful of the holy “now,” but actively live into it.
Grasp the now and live in the moment with deep breaths of appreciation.
This message is excerpted from “Recognizing the now” by Ralen Robinson in the October 2020 Gather magazine. Today is the 19th Sunday after Pentecost.
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