“Who, me?” we may think. “I’m too young—or too old—to do that.” Whether externally established or self-imposed, our assumptions about age and gender can become barriers to full inclusion and participation. Those barriers, often unspoken, sometimes remain unrecognized until someone has the courage to question them.
In some congregations those who wish to serve as ushers, communion assistants, acolytes, readers or altar guild members may be told they are “too old,” “too young” or the “wrong” gender—factors that are incidental, not intrinsic to one’s talent and ability.
Defining ourselves primarily in terms of gender or age can keep us from acknowledging our God-given gifts or pursuing our callings.
This message is an excerpt from the devotional “All are welcome” by Julie Kanarr in the May 2018 issue of Gather magazine. Today is the 16th Sunday of Pentecost. Today we remember Peter Claver, priest, missionary to Colombia, who died in 1654.
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