So much of motherhood calls for the art of balancing. Are some of us naturally good at it–or, wait, maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to assume? I believe that, like most things we aspire to do or become, it takes practice. So, how do I practice the art of balancing work, motherhood, my spouse and my own dreams? No. It doesn’t take a genius. It takes spirit. Not all of us are able to set the daily ideal time to strengthen our spirits through prayer or meditation. So if it happens in the shower on Monday and then during a toilet bowl cleaning on Tuesday–be blessed. If we are too hard on ourselves, we can limit the Spirit’s presence in our lives.
This message is an excerpt of “Balancing Motherhood” by Amanda Bornfree, from the October 2016 issue of Cafe. Today is Mother’s Day and the fifth Sunday of Easter. The readings are Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14.
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