Where I live, Advent is a time of darkness: The days get shorter and shorter. Many of us complain about getting up in darkness and coming home from work in darkness. I’ve done my share of complaining about that, too. And yet I also recall one visit to Norway during the month of June when late at night, it was still bright and sunny outside, making sleep elusive. My body was totally confused. This is a reminder to me that we need both: light and dark. Balance. So much of life is really both/and rather than either/or. It’s too simplistic to say darkness is bad and light is good or that we need one and simply endure the other.
This message is an excerpt of the devotional “What wants to be born in you: Advent is a time of darkness and possibility” by Sonia C. Solomonson in the December 2016 issue of Gather magazine.
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