If Lent is a season of spiritual renewal, how will you know if you’ve been renewed? You can measure some growth come Easter if you’ve noted where you are right now. So pull out a journal and answer these questions as you feel called. Then tuck your journal away until after Easter, when you can take it out again and see where new spiritual growth has taken place during Lent.
- How is my relationship with my body?
- How is my relationships with my mind and other people’s minds?
- How is my prayer life?
- Are my friendships and family relationships respectful and rewarding for everyone concerned?
- How is my relationship to money?
- How is my relationship to the earth?
- How is my relationship to the human race?
This is adapted from Lent: Penitence, Pilgrimage, Preparation, a free resource available from Women of the ELCA. It was written by Audrey Novak Riley.