Our ancestors in faith and our own experiences tell us that some of life’s richness and depth can be found precisely in the waiting places. This is good news since we spend much of life waiting for one thing or another—from the mundane to the life-altering. We wait in line at the grocery store, and we wait for news of a diagnosis.
If these waiting times are just something to plod through while we anxiously anticipate the real stuff of life, we are missing something.
Consider the season of Advent, a mysterious and beautiful time of expectation woven into our church year. As the days grow shorter in the northern hemisphere, we are given four Sundays to wait for the promised Messiah, who will be born in time and who will come again at the end of time.
This message is an excerpt from “The waiting place” by Jordan Miller-Stubbendick in the December 2019 issue of Gather magazine.
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