Once in awhile we enjoy a lazy, relaxed afternoon. But more often than not, afternoons are those times when fatigue sets in while we are still at work. It may be an afternoon in the garden, a long afternoon at work or a busy afternoon at home rushing to get things done before the family arrives home.
We can have afternoons in the life of faith too. We may feel we have been working at serving forever. Both at church and in our community we may feel loaded with responsibility, overwhelmed and even resentful.
When we find ourselves in a “faith afternoon” of fatigue or busyness doing God’s work, remember that God loves us for who we are. We are loved whether we come early or late. We are given sisters and brothers in the faith to share the labor with us. And finally, one day our generous God will bring us all together in a heavenly reunion.
This message is based on a devotion, “Afternoon,” written by Jeanette B. Strandjord that appeared in Programs, Retreats and Devotions 2 published by Women of the ELCA in 1996. Today we remember Onesimos Nesib, translator and evangelist, who died in 1931.