We don’t have to honor Advent. Christmas will come whether we immerse ourselves into the joys of these four weeks or not. The goal of this season isn’t to acknowledge Advent because we must. Instead, it’s a real opportunity to deepen the roots of our faith.
Advent is about embarking on a journey. It’s the beginning of the church year and a fresh start. It’s a time to sharpen all our senses as we voyage with Elizabeth, Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, the wise men and the rest of the crew. We journey together toward that special moment when God arrived in human form and the world was forever changed.
Advent is our special season to prepare for the Eternal King. I pray that this season of preparation has been filled with joy, mystery and a wonderful sense of peace.
This message is adapted from “The Advent advantage: Why the four weeks of December matter” written by Emily Carson that first appeared in the December 2012 issue of Cafe magazine.