I like Advent for the same reason that my favorite roses are those that aren’t fully opened: I love the promise and possibility. I get jazzed about the questions that arise when I live in anticipation. When I take the time to reflect on them. And when I walk rather than run through life.
We spend a lot of our lives waiting. Waiting at stoplights. In stores or ticket lines. Waiting for results from medical tests. Or for an important phone call, text message or e-mail. (It used to be waiting for letters in our mailboxes!)
Advent means to arrive, to come. It refers to both past and future as we celebrate the coming of Christ into our world and look forward to his coming again.
Women of the ELCA’s resource, A Different Kind of Journey by Sonia Solomonson, offers several practices to explore, each helping you discover what is waiting to be born in you in the upcoming Advent season.