The word humble derives from its Latin root humilis or humus which refers to soil. To be humble is to remember where we have come from–remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return (Genesis 3:19). We are people of the soil who have been created by God for a relationship with God and each other.
It’s no surprise that we have messed up the purpose for which God created us. Christ humbled himself and became one of us, even to the point of death, to offer us a second chance at this relationship with God and each other.
Jesus comes to offer this fresh beginning to all who are seeking life as God intended. Jesus makes it clear that the way to life begins with death–death to our old way of thinking and being. To receive the mind of Christ, we must lay down our will, purpose, hopes, fears, failures and dreams. This action of laying down one’s whole life is an act of humility, remembering that we are the creation rather than the Creator.
This message is adapted from a devotion written by Brent Dahlseng for Women of the ELCA. Do you enjoy these free Daily Grace messages? If so, donate now to further the ministry.