Read Hebrews 7:25
God in Christ gives us innumerable gifts. In baptism and the Lord’s Supper, we receive the promises of forgiveness and resurrected life: complete victory over sin and death. Christ is with us whenever we gather together in his name. He lives with us, as we abide in his love. And, as we hear in Hebrews he prays for us.
Loved by the God who gives, our lives may overflow in giving of ourselves to others. Our time, talents and possessions are shared in the name of the one who shares all of who he is with us. As we give to others, especially women and girls, speaking and acting with them and on their behalf, we intercede for them as Christ intercedes for us, so that new opportunities for life and relationships are made available to them and to us.
This message was adapted from “Abundant gifts” written by Karen Bates that first appeared in the 1993 resource, Offerings Devotions: Reflections on Hebrew.