Have you ever been lost? It may have been for a few seconds in the night when you were searching for the light switch. It might have been a shortcut that led you down a road in the wrong direction.
On life’s path, we are often confused, lost. Sometimes we may travel a long way before we stop to check directions. When we look at the directions Jesus gave his disciples, we wonder. We call this sermon the Beatitudes. We read them over and over. But in our lost-ness, we wonder, “How can this be?”
We sit at tables with more than enough. We shop at stores with overflowing bins. We are lost in abundance and yet Jesus says, “Blessed are you who are hungry.”
To receive the blessing, we must move from the place of abundance to the place of need. We know about poverty, about people who are hungry. It seems as if there is no blessing for us in our abundance, but there it is. If we give from our place of abundance, we move to the place of hunger. And there we are! The place of the blessing.
How will you give from your abundance? This message was adapted from “From Our Abundance” written by Marj Leegard that appeared in the January/February 2008 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. for articles about faith, action, comfort and community.