After I broke my ankle, I spent time doing physical therapy to regain balance, flexibility, and strength. Physical therapy involves practicing increasingly difficult exercises in a controlled environment to better equip us to meet the challenges of daily life in the real world. Is it easy? No. It isn’t supposed to be. Without challenge, there is no growth or increased strength. In the midst of challenges, we can discover that the ability to balance does not depend on having a smooth surface beneath our feet.
Life in the church is like balancing on uneven surfaces. New people bring different perspectives. New situations cause us to rethink cherished ideas.
In Acts, stories abound about the members of the early church wrestling with questions of mission, ministry, vision, hospitality, inclusion, and finances. Not only were they balancing on uneven surfaces, they were also moving forward into uncharted territory. And yet, wrapped up within these stories is the story of the God who remained faithful.
God calls us to deepened trust. Let us welcome the challenge. Let us practice balancing—always moving forward in faith and trust—discerning how God is leading us into the future.
This message was adapted from “Ability to Balance” written by Julie A. Kanarr that first appeared in the November 2010 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.