Want to set the world on fire? Catherine would tell you to be who God meant you to be, at all cost.
Catherine (Caterina di Giacomo di Benincasa) was one of the more luminous female mystics in Christian history. Spiritual mothers like Catherine of Siena call for attention and engagement because she addresses questions of spirituality and vocation.
A saint’s life always includes aspects and events of extraordinary nature. Catherine’s spirituality and theological focus make her a mother of faith for the lesser saints and sinners, “ordinary” Christians. She inspires boldness and authenticity in faith. She models daring compassion and prophetic voice in a world in need of healing and truth-telling. She exemplifies the spiritual fruits of sustaining friendships, partaking in the Eucharist, and radical acts of kindness.
Her life story also encourages women to dream big for themselves and refuse to take a “no” for an answer as they discern their call.
This message is excerpted from “Catherine of Siena, A gusty saint” by Kirsi Stjerna in the April 2015 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate Catherine of Siena, theologian, 1380.
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