Life is transition and depending on where we stand, we may rejoice or grieve as changes come along. When transitions in life are rapid or seem to be piling on one after another, they can feel overwhelming.
A very human response is to dig in our heels and resist change. But sometimes God is the instigator of change. Where we are broken, God is at work piecing together the shards into a great mosaic. Where the fabric of life is ripped apart, God is mending and quilting. Where the stains of sin and evil are set in, God is scrubbing and cleansing.
When God is doing a new thing, we can trust God. However difficult the change from old to new—Jesus is with us.
This message is an excerpt from “For everything there is a season,” by Joy McDonald Coltvet in the October 2017 issue of Café. Today we remember Stephen, deacon and martyr.
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