We may forget that in most cases the Spirit chooses to work in small, mundane ways in our everyday lives. The Spirit doesn’t attempt to draw attention to itself. Rather, it focuses on creating and strengthening our relationship with Jesus Christ. The Spirit makes us children of God, inviting us into the family of Christ as full heirs. It walks alongside us each day, supporting our fumbling faith and giving us hope and encouragement.
Joining with Christ doesn’t mean we’ll receive accolades or appreciation for all we do. When we’re one with the Spirit, we are sent into the world to live lives full of self-giving love. We will experience the peace that passes all understanding. We will enter the pain of the world in profound ways.
I pray that the Holy Spirit inspires us to be communities of encouragement where we challenge each other to live out the self-giving love of Jesus – where unexpected people are recognized as examples, where kids are emboldened as leaders, where quiet ones are heard as speakers, where we say to all, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
This message is excerpted from “Inspired to be encouragers” by Jennifer Hackbarth in the January/February 2016 Gather magazine.
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