As Women of the ELCA, it is in community that we seek to live out our mission and purpose. Along with 4,438 other women in my 52,000-strong suburban community, I’m part of a local working moms Facebook group. I would recognize only two of the 4,438 women on the street, yet I’ve found real community in this group. It’s a go-to spot for questions.
One mom, a teacher in an economically depressed area, recently posted that it pained her that some girls wouldn’t be attending their senior prom because they lacked money for a dress or a ticket. Dozens of moms quickly mobilized, offering dresses from their closets, jewelry and shoes. Still others offered to buy prom tickets.
In the past, such conversations might have only happened over a back fence, in a parking lot or around the proverbial water cooler. Today, they also happen online. Women of the ELCA has a lively Facebook page. It’s not the same kind of community as my own congregational unit, but nonetheless, it’s another community where we support each other on our faith journeys.
This message is an excerpt from “Creating community” by Linda Post Bushkofsky in the May 2018 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Mary, Mother of Our Lord.
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