Advent does not call us to idle waiting, watching and wondering. No, Advent is a time for active preparation. We take efforts to realign ourselves with God, and then are called into action, living out our baptismal promises to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed.
So, I pose two questions in this season of Advent.
First, how are you righting your relationship with God? It’s easy to become overwhelmed and overbooked with holiday parties, shopping expeditions and gift giving in the frenzy of our culture’s celebration of Christmas. Creating a space for quiet contemplation and conversation with God in this season of holy mystery can be difficult.
Second, how are you living out your baptismal promises in serving others and striving for justice and peace? Will you take up the call to end human trafficking or care for unaccompanied minors coming to our country? Will you work to end bullying or create a safe place for children?
Whether you take up one of these issues or address a particular need in your community, Advent is the season to get started.
This message is excerpted from “Active preparation” by Linda Post Bushkofsky from the November 30, 2015, blog of the Women of the ELCA. Today we commemorate John of Damascus, theologian and hymnwriter, c. 749.
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