As I opened my Bible one recent morning, this verse from 1 Timothy 6:11 popped out at me. “[You should] pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness.”
In the margins of that page I had written: “enjoy those things God places in your life today and wait, full of hope, for the life to come.”
It brought to mind the words from Women of the ELCA’s Purpose Statement, “…called to discipleship in Jesus Christ…”
As we walk through our daily lives, we bump into all sorts of situations that this broken world creates.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we sometimes are inspired with an idea that will bring comfort and hope to those who find themselves in difficult situations. I applaud all who answer the Spirit’s call and find a way to bring relief and joy into the lives of those in need, thus enriching your own lives.
This message is excerpted from a Women of the ELCA blog by Glenda Ofstehage. Read it here. Today is the second Sunday after Epiphany.
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