We are often afraid. After all, we live in a scary world, in scary times. We fear for the safety of our children in schools, as we hear news of the latest school shootings. We grip our keys defensively in darkened parking lots, because of our own experiences and the prevalence of #MeToo. We fear medical diagnoses, job losses, poverty, heights, being in the dark, losing love, spiders, never being loved, failing. And the list goes on and on.
Throughout scripture, God’s people from Abraham all the way to Paul and beyond hear God call us with love. What can we learn from the stories of our biblical ancestors? We learn that we don’t have to be afraid (and if we are, we don’t have to let fear paralyze us) because God is with us.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Elizabeth Hunter. Today we remember Thomas the apostle.
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