Download the 2024 Thankoffering Service
Learn how to have a Thankoffering Service with your congregation
Celebrate Black History Month and follow our blog series about bold women of faith—women whose collective voices continue to change the lives of women and girls every day!
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
ELCA Action Center – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: Protect Medicaid
Today, we say this universally, and we say it especially to our siblings of color, our siblings in the queer community, our siblings who are immigrants and migrants. Each of you matter. Each of you are a creature of God in God’s image. Each of you are beloved. We stand with you in just love.
In December, the executive board approved a new Strategic Plan for Women of the ELCA titled Connect, Create, Complement, Continue, and Celebrate. Presented by Interim Executive Director Jennifer Hockenbery in collaboration with churchwide staff, these five goals for 2024-2026 were taken from conversations with staff, executive board members, synodical women’s organizations (SWO) presidents, and participants of Women of the ELCA. An online survey that drew more than 200 responses was also used in gathering information for the plan.
In-person service: Augsburg University, Hoversten Chapel located in Foss Center, 2211 Riverside Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55454.
Campus map
For parking, please contact Janice Dames
(612) 330-1732
[email protected]
Register in advance for this webinar:
Webinar Registration – Zoom
A new shipment of Thankoffering envelopes is here! Order your free Thankoffering envelopes for your Thankoffering Service today!
Learn how to have a Thankoffering Service with your congregation
Consider making a donation in the name of a bold woman you know in honor of Katie Luther’s Birthday and Bold Women’s Day! Send names to [email protected]
Donations have been made in honor of Gwen Edwards in appreciation of the churchwide staff of Women of the ELCA
in honor of Phoebe and Hope Dragseth
in honor of Lorraine Lauritsen Wohlert
in honor of Dorothy Jorgenson
in gratitude for the fabulous CWO staff members of Women of the ELCA: Eva Yeo, Valora Starr, Gabriela Contreras, Elizabeth Hunter, Cindy Novak, and Elizabeth McBride!
Terri Sorenson and the staff of the Women of the ELCA
Betty Wolfe
Nina Skinner Moriarty from Janean Moriarty
Donate to Katie’s Fund!
Go to to make an online gift, selecting Katie’s Fund in the drop-down designation list.
Or send a check made payable to Women of the ELCA to Women of the ELCA, ELCA Gift Processing Center, PO Box 1809, Merrifield VA 22116-8009. Note “Katie’s Fund” in the memo line.
Jesus doesn’t simply say love your neighbor. Jesus says, “love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:39). If we
How is God inviting you to assess your own relationship with money and possessions? Read the latest devotion by the Rev. Dr. Becca Ehrlich.
Women of the ELCA Scholarships help women continue their education in ordained ministry, academics and leadership. The 2025-2026 scholarship application process opens December 15.
We are committed by our purpose statement to promoting healing and wholeness in our church, society, and world. Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls Seed grants embolden women and girls to make a difference where they are. Application materials for the 2024-2025 Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls seed grants must be postmarked or emailed by April 5, 2025. All applications must be submitted by active units of Women of the ELCA who are familiar with the Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls initiative and the criteria of this program. Download and send completed application to [email protected] or mail it to Women of the ELCA RUHWG Seed Grants Program, 8765 W. Higgins Road, Chicago IL 60631.
Looking for ideas on health projects? Download our resource.
Mujeres de la ELCA ofrece recursos de programas gratuitos y descargables, todos en inglés y muchos en español, para ayudarlo a crecer en la fe y participar en el ministerio y la acción.
Eight participants from the Southwestern Texas Synodical Women’s Organization attended the Texas United Women of Faith/Texas Impact Legislative Event with the seed grant dollars. These eight participants are supporting Project Radical Hospitality, a synod-wide effort to foster a deeper understanding of community by direct, tangible actions of hospitality. While at the event, participants studied current Texas legislatives issues related to Immigration, women’s (maternal) health and reproductive rights, climate action, and gun violence, among other topics. “As we begin our next strategic plan’s cycle, Project Radical Hospitality members are concentrating on service to immigrants/communities/services along with education and legislative priorities,” reports Lisa Lopez, SWO president. Read more stories.
The Eastern North Dakota Synodical Women’s Organization took its seed grant, combined it with its fund for cluster gatherings and created one large “Round-Up” on April 20, 2024. The entire day was offered free of charge to attendees, and registration was at least four times greater than in past years. A catered noon meal was provided by Casa de Fe, a mission group that funds an orphanage in Central America. The group shared their story and mission goals. Read more stories.
The Saint Paul Area Synodical Women’s Organization held a “thank you dinner” for women who had been involved with the SWO over the years and asked each of them to bring someone with them. “It was great to thank those who have been involved … and get them back in the feel that our SWO is alive and well and that we need them to once again be active in our SWO,” reports SWO president Becky Maier. “Since this event we have seen a rise in participation at cluster meetings and at our SWO Soup Lunch and have seen excitement in what is to come.” Read more stories.
Join us as we celebrate Black History Month in February and Bold Women’s Day during Women’s History Month in March.
Join us as we celebrate Black History Month in February and Bold Women’s Day during Women’s History Month in March.
This stewardship devotion is offered monthly on the Women of the ELCA website to encourage women in WELCA congregational units,